Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequence and Comparative and Phylogenetic Analyses of the Cultivated Cyperus esculentus
Wei Ren,Dongquan Guo,Guojie Xing,Chunming Yang,Yuanyu Zhang, Jing Yang, Lu Niu, Xiaofang Zhong, Qianqian Zhao , Yang Cui, Yongguo Zhao, and Xiangdong Yang
Diversity 13(9): 405 (2021).
葉緑体全ゲノム: 186,255 bp
large single copy: 100,940 bp
small single copy: 10,439 bp
repeat regions : 37,438 bp
the chloroplast genome encodes: 141 genes
93: protein-coding genes
40: transfer RNA genes
8: ribosomal RNA genes
396: simple-sequence repeats
49: long repeats
15: forward repeats
34: palindromes