

 Phytosociological Surveys and Monitoring of the Bromatological Parameters According to the Age of Regrowth of Savannah Pastures Perfectly Reconstituted in the Central Zone of Côte d'Ivoire

DOI: 10.9734/EJNFS/2021/v13i330390

European Journal of Nutrition & Food Safety 13(3): 54-61 (2021).

Gouagoua Séverin Kouadja, Adam Camille Kouamé, Kouakou Eugène Kouadio, Brou Jean Kouao and N’Gouan Cyrille Kouassi

Fimbristylis pilosa
Fimbristylis sp. 
Mariscus alternifolius 
Cyperus tenuiculmis ゾリンゲルガヤツリ

コートジボワール中心部ブアケ -Google map-