Wetland Plants and their Ethnobotanical Uses in Raja-Rani Tal, Letang, Morang, Nepal
Kalpana Sharma (Dhakal), Dammar Singh Saud, Krishna Ram Bhattarai, Amrit KC,
Sajita Dhakal and Madan Kumar Khadka
J. Pl. Res. 18(1): 135-142 (2020).
Courtoisina cyperoides
Cyperus platystylis ウキガヤツリ
Cyperus corymbosus
Cyperus esculentus ショクヨウガヤツリ
Cyperus pilosus オニガヤツリ
Fimbristylis aestivalis コアゼテンツキ
Fimbristylis dichotoma テンツキ
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