Typification of 18th Century names in Carex sect. Rhynchocystis (Cyperaceae): Carex pendula and allies
Jiménez-Mejías, P., Míguez, M., Spencer, M.A., Jarvis, C.E., Martín-Bravo, S.
Taxon 66(4): 973-975 (2017).
C. agastachys, C. maxima, C. mutabilisは、C. pendulaのシノニムと考えられていた。しかも、そのC. pendulaは2種類あると考えられている。そこで、本論文で新しく取り扱いを提唱した。
C. agastachys, C. maxima, and C. mutabilis have been thought as a synonym of C. pendula And C. pendula was thought to have two species. They proposed to define a new treatment of these complex.